We rely on our fantastic group of volunteers to provide our essential services. Whether its fundraising, office support or being a MumsAid counsellor, your contribution can have a powerful and long-lasting effect on the families we help. It can also be a hugely valuable and rewarding experience for you.
MumsAid uses an integrative approach based on STARK©a biopsychosocial model developed by MumsAid’s founder, Dr Miriam Donaghy. We provide our evidence-based therapeutic support to new mothers and their families living in and around Greenwich who are struggling with perinatal mental health issues¹. Whilst we are already supporting hundreds of families, we know there is more we can do
We are looking for counsellors to work across the borough of Greenwich who have qualified or are currently in the final year of a substantive counselling or psychotherapy training. You should have experience in maternal mental health and be able to commit half a day a week for at least 18 months.
We are also able to offer a limited number of placements to counsellors who wish to work online.
More information is available in our volunteering pack. CVs with a covering letter should be sent to info@mums-aid.org
If you would like to support MumsAid in a way that fits around your busy schedule, then fundraising could be what you’re looking for. At the heart of your local community, you’ll help us to raise the vital funds needed to support mothers and their families. This might include running coffee mornings, fundraising at local supermarkets or community events or developing links with local GP practices. Get in touch with us at info@mums-aid.org.
Are you an expert in Excel or a marvel with marketing or social media? If you have an area of professional expertise that you could share to help us grow, we’d love to hear from you. Email info@mums-aid.org today!