Useful links

Below are some useful links to websites and organisations providing relevant information and support on maternal mental health. Please note MumsAid is not responsible for the content of external internet sites or resources.

National organisations with helplines

  • AIMS (Association for Improvements in Maternity Services). An organisation that supports all maternity service users to navigate the system as it exists, and campaigns for a system which truly meets the needs of all. Its helpline offers information and support on pregnancy and birth issues to help people make informed decisions, support them to have their decision respected by their health care providers, and provide a listening ear and practical support for women who are unhappy with their experiences. Tel: 0300 365 0663 Email:
  • ARC – Antenatal Results and Choices. The only national charity helping parents through antenatal screening and its consequences. Tel: 0845 077 2290
  • Association for Post-Natal Illness. An organisation for women suffering from any type of perinatal illness. Tel: 0207386 0868
  • The Lullaby Trust. A charity that offers emotional support for bereaved families, as well as raising awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and providing expert advice on safer sleep for babies. Tel: 0808 802 6868
  • The Miscarriage Association. A charity offering support and information to anyone affected by the loss of a baby in pregnancy, raising awareness and promoting good practice in medical care. Tel: 01924 200799 Email:
  • PANDAS Foundation UK. Support and advice for any parent who is experiencing a perinatal mental illness. Tel: 0843 2898 401 Email:
  • Samaritans A free, confidential listening service for anyone struggling to cope and needing emotional support. Tel: 116123 Email:
  • Tamba. Twinline is Tamba’s listening service for parents of twins, triplets and more. All the calls are answered by volunteers who have multiples themselves. Tel: 0800 138 0509 Email:
  • Resources for suicide prevention. An information guide that includes specific support for all different social groups in suicide prevention including postpartum and youth.

Other national support organisations

  • The 1001 Critical Days. A campaigning organisation that highlights the importance of intervening early in the 1001 critical days between conception to 2 years to enhance the outcomes for children.
  • Action on Postpartum Psychosis. A national charity for women and families affected by Postpartum Psychosis (PP), a severe mental illness that begins suddenly following childbirth. It offers a moderated forum and one-to-one messaging.
  • Best Beginnings. A charity aiming to empower parents with the knowledge and confidence to look after their own health and their children’s long term development and well-being.
  • The Birth Trauma Association. A charity that supports women who have had a traumatic birth experience or are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after birth.
  • Birthrights. A charity dedicated to improving women’s experience of pregnancy and childbirth by promoting respect for human rights; offers free factsheets and an advice service.
  • Bliss. A charity that aims to give every baby born premature or sick the best chance of survival and quality of life, and supports parents and health professionals.
  • Gingerbread. A charity supporting single parent families.
  • Home-Start. A national charity with local branches across the UK whose volunteers offer support and practical help to families with young children who are facing challenges around mental and physical health, isolation, disability, postnatal depression, money problems and more.
  • Make Birth Better. A network of parents and professionals who aim to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of birth trauma through clinically-led education, campaigning and research.
  • Maternal Mental Health Alliance. A coalition of national professional and patient organisations committed to improving perinatal mental health.
  • Mind. A leading national mental health charity with local branches, which offers information, advice and support about mental health issues and treatment choices.
  • The Multiple Births Foundation. Employs healthcare professionals dedicated to supporting multiple birth families and educating and advising professionals about their special needs.
  • National Breastfeeding Helpline. The National Breastfeeding Helpline is open on 0300 100 0212 from 9.30am-9.30pm every single day of the year, offering non-judgemental, evidence based, caller centred, independent, friendly breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK who needs it.
  • NCT. A leading charity for new parents providing information and support for the first 1,000 days as a parent, through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
  • PETALS: The baby loss counselling charity. Tel: 0300 688 0068 Email:
  • Royal College of General Practitioners. A medical royal college that provides a perinatal mental health toolkit for women and their families with websites, information leaflets and literature
  • SANDS. The stillbirth and neonatal death charity, supporting anyone affected by the death of a baby, working to improve the care bereaved parents receive, and promoting research to reduce the loss of babies’ lives.
  • Tommys. A charity funding research into stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage, and providing pregnancy health information for parents.
  • Unfold Your Wings. Supporting people affected by birth trauma and PTSD.


Support for mums by mums

  • Maternal OCD. A charity co-founded by two mothers, which provides information and support for those who suffer from extreme perinatal obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
  • PND and Me. An online blog set up by a woman with personal experience of postnatal depression. Also on Twitter @PndandMe


For dads


Other useful links